Denims for a Difference
How many pair of Jeans have you owned?
Jeans/Denim is a popular fabric we wear: at work, parties even at home. But have you wondered what happens to your favorite denims after you are done with them?
We hand it down to our little brothers and sisters OR
We make cleaning cloths out of them OR, and usually
We TRASH them and send it off to the landfill.
In simple terms, a harm to the environment.
Again, a huge loss for the environment.
Here’s a simple solution to start with. Our favorite pair of jeans can SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT and CREATE JOBS.
Accepted materials- Denim material: jeans pant, jackets, any color
1. Once you schedule pickup at, our Khaalisisi friend nearest to your location will come for pick up and pay Rs.10 / KG for the jeans.
2. WHR Nepal (Women for Human Rights, our NGO partner) will collect these from us and single-women entrepreneurs there will MAKE SCHOOL BAGS out of it to support their livelihood.

If you have jeans material or know someone who does please reach out to us :)
9869079510 (also available on viber and whatsapp)
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